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Standing Offer Agreement for Provision of Wi-Fi Services (SOA-WiFi2)

The Standing Offer Agreement for Provision of Wi-Fi Services (SOA-WiFi2) facilitates Government Bureaux and Departments (B/Ds) to acquire and deploy Wi-Fi Service for Internet access by public at venues designated by the Government effectively and efficiently to address the rapid changing demands. The contract period of SOA-WiFi2 is from 1 March 2023 to 28 February 2027. The contract value of each work assignment shall not exceed HK$10 million.

Contractors are required to provide Wi-Fi Service for wireless Internet access at venues using fixed network and/or mobile network. Other services such as site preparation, installation of Wi-Fi facilities, monitoring and maintenance of Wi-Fi facilities, project management and hotline service are also included.

A technical to price weighting of 60:40 will be adopted in tender marking scheme for assessment. During the contract period, B/Ds may invite proposals for their IT projects from contractors and select the contractor to undertake the assignment based on technical and price assessment.

For information about the SOA-WiFi2 contractors, please refer to the Contractors List.

For information about contracts awarded under SOA-WiFi, please refer to the dataset in the PSI portal below:

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For information about other departments which maintain supplier lists, please refer to the “List Table of Government Departments Which Maintain Supplier Lists for Commonly Used Goods and Services” on the website of the Government Logistics Department.