What's New

Professional Methodologies

Today, one of the key success factors in business is the provision of quality goods and services. In a large organisation where multiple parties are involved in the process of product/service delivery, methodologies, standards and guidelines are vital in boosting productivity and quality. Published standards and guidelines set the expectation of everyone and co-ordinate various parties towards the common goal of quality deliverables, they are the cornerstone of effective collaboration and quality management.

DPO, throughout the years of serving government B/Ds and the community, has progressively adopted a number of internationally accepted standards and methods as well as developed its own best practices.

These best practices are shared here to:

  • Help other organisations to build up their own standards and guidelines tailored for their businesses;
  • Let suppliers and service providers understand the IT practices and expectation of the Government of the HKSAR so that the two ends may co-operate in a more efficient manner.

We will continue to upload our latest best practices documents to the web and we believe you will join us in improving quality and enhancing productivity via well-established methodologies, standards and guidelines.

Moreover, we provide an English-Chinese Glossary of IT Terms commonly used in the Government.

The above documents are tailored for use by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People’s Republic of China. The Government of the HKSAR accepts no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage which may result, whether directly or indirectly, from the use of the information contained herein.