What's New

Cooperation with Other Economies

To foster ties in ICT cooperation, the HKSAR Government has established bilateral cooperation framework with other economies. The aim is to create synergy and establish mutually beneficial relationship among relevant government agencies and industry organisations to enhance ICT development in the respective economies, thereby enhancing our competitiveness and international status in the global knowledge-based economy.

The cooperation frameworks expressed in various forms, such as Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Agreement or Joint Statement. Cooperation activities also take various forms, such as mutual visits, business matching activities, exchange of policy and regulatory information, etc.

Highlights of these frameworks are given below:

Country Effective Since Document Remarks
Republic of Finland 28 - 10 - 2011 MOU
The bilateral ICT cooperation framework has been established since January 2000. It is currently under the third term. The renewed MOU was signed in October 2011.
Federal Republic of Germany 12 - 03 - 2002 MOU
Chinese translation
Ireland 29 - 11 - 2002 Joint Statement
Chinese translation
State of Israel 01 - 08 - 2001 Agreement

Exchange of Notes on the Agreement

Note from the State of Israel 
Reply Note to the State of Israel

The Agreement was extended retrospectively with effect from 1 August 2001 through Exchange of Notes as if it had never terminated.
Italian Republic 20 - 09 - 2002 MOU
Chinese translation

Note Verbale on the MOU
Note Verbale from Italian Republic
The MOU comes into effect on 20 September 2002 as stated in the Note Verbale from Italian Republic.