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Business Facilitation

Our Work

Business Facilitation

We are responsible for co-ordinating and overseeing the efforts of the Government in business facilitation.

Business Facilitation
Advisory Committee

Task Forces

Business Liaison Groups

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About Business Facilitation Advisory Committee

The Business Facilitation Advisory Committee (BFAC) advises and reports to the Financial Secretary the development and implementation of programmes and measures to facilitate business compliance with government regulations and to sustain a competitive regulatory environment for business in Hong Kong while safeguarding public interest.

The BFAC, its three Task Forces and ten Business Liaison Groups provide an effective interdepartmental and cross-sector communication platform to enable business sectors to raise their opinions on regulatory proposals, and to thrash out the implementation issues of new or proposed regulations.

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Business Facilitation Advisory Committee

BFAC advises and reports to the Financial Secretary the development and implementation of programmes and measures to facilitate business compliance with government regulations and to sustain a competitive regulatory environment for business in Hong Kong while safeguarding public interest.

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3 Task Forces

Dedicated Task Forces are set up under the Business Facilitation Advisory Committee (BFAC) to conduct sector-specific or licence-specific regulatory reviews and facilitate business consultation on regulatory proposals. The BFAC steers the Task Forces and oversees their work progress.

Currently there are three Task Forces reporting to the BFAC:

  Wholesale and Retail Task Force

  Food Business and Related Services Task Force

  Task Force on Business Liaison Groups

10 Business Liaison Groups

Provide formal discussion forums established to further strengthen communication between the trade and the Government. Representatives from government bureaux and departments (B/Ds) concerned attend the forums to exchange views with the trade on licensing and regulatory matters at the operational level and provide timely feedback to their issues.

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"Be the Smart Regulator" Programme

Launched in 2007, the "Be the Smart Regulator" Programme aims to improve the efficiency, transparency and business-friendliness of licensing regime, with a view to relieving the compliance costs and administrative burdens of business sectors.

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Be the Smart Regulator Programme

Business Consultation e-Platform

Access consultation information relating to proposed regulations, administrative measures and procedures that would impact business and to offer views and comments.

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Business Consultation e-Platform

World Bank Group's Business Ready Project

We are responsible for liaising with the World Bank Group in relation to the Business Ready (B-READY) project.

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World Bank Group's Business Ready Project