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Business Consultation e-Platform

Access consultation information relating to proposed regulations, administrative measures and procedures that would impact business and to offer views and comments.

Note: The archives are under construction. If you wish to access documents in the archives, please contact us at dbf@digitalpolicy.gov.hk

Current Consultation Exercises

Public Consultation on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence
Consultation Period 8 July 2024 to 8 September 2024
Bureau / Department Commerce and Economic Development Bureau / Intellectual Property Department
Brief Description The Chief Executive announced in the 2023 Policy Address that the Government will conduct consultation in 2024 to explore further enhancement of the Copyright Ordinance (Cap.528) regarding protection for AI technology development.

The major issues in the consultation include copyright protection of works generated by AI, copyright infringement liability for AI-generated works, possible introduction of specific copyright exception, as well as other AI-related issues (i.e. deepfakes and transparency).
Major Affected Business Group(s)* Copyright owners, creative industry, innovation and technology industry and IP industry
How the major Business Group(s) will be affected by the new regulations /administrative measures and procedures under consultation: N/A
The B/Ds concerned are seeking specific views from SMEs on proposed regulatory requirement that would have significant potential impact: N/A
Consultation Document(s) Consultation Document
E-mail Your Comments to AI_consultation@cedb.gov.hk

Ref No.: 10234C

Upcoming Consultation Exercises

Amendments to the Antibiotics Ordinance, Cap. 137
Tentative consultation period Q2 2024
Bureau / Department Health Bureau / Department of Health
Brief Description Propose to amend the Antibiotics Ordinance to enhance the control of antimicrobials due to the threat of antimicrobial resistant
Major Affected Business Group(s)* Healthcare facilities, medical practitioners, dentists, veterinary surgeons, pharmaceutical traders and pharmacies
The B/Ds concerned would like to seek specific views from SMEs on proposed regulatory requirement(s) No

Ref No.: 10232

*The list of "Major Affected Business Group(s)" may not be exhaustive. Please contact us if you consider that other business group(s) will also be affected.

  • The list of business consultation exercises provided in this e-Platform may not be exhaustive.
  • There may be occasional time lapse between the publishing of information on consultation activities and posting of such information on this e-Platform.

Business Impact Assessment

Another work focus of business facilitation is to encourage bureaux and departments (B/Ds) to assess the business impact before introducing new regulatory/licensing requirements so as to better take into consideration the operational circumstances and capacity of the trades and understand the costs associated with compliance of the regulatory requirements.

Learn More
Business Impact Assessment