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Business Facilitation Advisory Committee

The Business Facilitation Advisory Committee (BFAC), its three Task Forces and ten Business Liaison Groups provide an effective interdepartmental and cross-sector communication platform.

Business Facilitation Advisory Committee

BFAC advises and reports to the Financial Secretary the development and implementation of programmes and measures to facilitate business compliance with government regulations and to sustain a competitive regulatory environment for business in Hong Kong while safeguarding public interest.

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Task Forces

The Task Forces conduct sector-specific or licence-specific regulatory reviews and facilitate business consultation on regulatory proposals.

Wholesale and Retail Task Force

Review government regulations and procedures impacting on the wholesale and retail sectors

Provide a platform for the Government to consult the wholesale and retail sectors on regulatory proposals and to thrash out the implementation issues of new or proposed regulations

Oversee and monitor development of the review work

Explore opportunities for greater use of innovation and technology in facilitating wholesale and retail business

Report progress to BFAC on a regular basis

Food Business and Related Services Task Force

Review government regulations and procedures impacting on the food business and related services sectors

Provide a platform for the Government to consult the food business and related services sectors on regulatory proposals and to thrash out the implementation issues of new or proposed regulations

Oversee and monitor development of the review work

Explore opportunities for greater use of innovation and technology in facilitating food business and related services sectors

Report progress to the BFAC on a regular basis

Task Force on Business Liaison Groups

Oversee and monitor the work progress of the Business Liaison Groups (BLGs)

Advise further enhancements of the BLGs

Review major business compliance issues arising from the work of the BLGs

Explore opportunities for greater use of innovation and technology in facilitating business

Report progress to the BFAC on a regular basis