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Standing Offer Agreement for Quality Professional Services 5 (SOA-QPS5)

The Standing Offer Agreement for Quality Professional Services 5 (SOA-QPS5) enlarges the Government's delivery capacity for IT services and accelerates the delivery of IT solutions to support the increasing demand of digital government services. The contract period of SOA-QPS5 is from 31 January 2022 to 30 January 2026 covering three Categories of services:

Category A: Pre-implementation, programme/project management services, ongoing services, implementation and combined system development services;
Category B: Information security, privacy assessment and independent testing services; and
Category C: Deployment and maintenance of common services.

Categories A and C are further divided into Major and Minor Group. Minor Group covers work assignments of contract value not exceeding HK$3 million, while Major Group covers work assignments of contract value over HK$3 million but not exceeding HK$20 million.  For Categories B, there is no subdivision into Groups and the contract value of each work assignment shall not exceed HK$20 million.

A technical to price weighting of 70:30, 60:40 and 50:50 will be adopted in the tender assessment for Category A, Category B and Category C respectively. During the contract period, government bureaux and departments may invite proposals for their IT projects from contractors in the relevant Categories and Groups and select contractors to undertake the assignment based on technical and price assessments.

For information about the SOA-QPS contractors, please refer to the Contractor List .

For information about contracts awarded under SOA-QPS, please refer to the dataset in the PSI portal below:

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For information about other departments which maintain supplier lists, please refer to the “List Table of Government Departments Which Maintain Supplier Lists for Commonly Used Goods and Services” on the website of the Government Logistics Department.