Data Centre Facilitation
The Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address proposed a change in the use of a site at Sandy Ridge in North District for innovation and technology (I&T) and related purposes.
Sandy Ridge is located in the Northern Metropolis, near to Lo Wu. Taking into account the location of the site, infrastructure planning, commercial, transport and community facilities in the vicinity, as well as the industry’s keen demand for digital infrastructure facilities, the Government is of the initial view that it is worth exploring the feasibility of developing this “spade-ready site” (and its nearby land with development potential) into a Data Park for data centres and related industries.
An invitation of expression of interest (EOI) for the development at Sandy Ridge for I&T and related purposes was issued on 17 June 2024 and closed on 31 July 2024 12:00 noon.
Subsequently, the 2024 Policy Address announced that the I&T site would be expanded to 10 hectares for use as data centres and related purposes.
A Request for Information (RFI) for the Development at Sandy Ridge for Data Centres and Related Purposes was issued on 17 March 2025 (Monday). The deadline for submission of the RFI is 12 noon on 11 April 2025 (Friday).
The digital topographic map of the Sandy Ridge site is available at the Hong Kong Mapping Service 2.0 webpage:
The Outline Zoning Plan and related information can be downloaded at
Data centres are an essential infrastructure to support pillar sectors like financial services, trading and logistics as well as other economic sectors. Data centres also provide the catalyst for the development of new content and applications, as well as cloud computing services. There is potential for strong growth in the demand for data centres in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong is an excellent location for data centres. Hong Kong benefits from its proximity to the Mainland, a conducive business environment, a stable government, a transparent and independent legal system, free flow of information, reliable power supply, sound telecommunications infrastructure and low risk of natural disasters. To sustain and enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness in the region, the Government fully supports the development of data centres in Hong Kong as the backbone to our economic growth.
To meet the projected growth in demand for data centres, we are implementing the following measures to facilitate data centre development in Hong Kong:
- Set up a Data Centre Facilitation Unit and a thematic information portal to provide coordinated services to interested developers and investors on matters related to setting up of data centres in Hong Kong;
- Stepping up promotion to position Hong Kong as a prime location for data centres in the Asia Pacific region;
- Promoting the incentive measures that optimise the use of industrial buildings for the benefit of developing data centres; and
- Identifying sites for development of high-tier data centres and appropriate land disposal arrangements.
The information portal disseminates useful information to facilitate development of data centres in Hong Kong, including Hong Kong's institutional and geographical advantages, statutory requirements on land use, and supporting facilities such as power supply. Check out for more details at this website, or call the Data Centre Facilitation Unit at (852)2961 8030.