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Active Suppliers A

Active Suppliers are those suppliers that have supplied Information Technology (IT) professional services to the Government over the past three years, either as a contractor or as a sub-contractor. All Active Suppliers are also included in the list of Interested Suppliers.

Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


Supplier Name Government Projects Success Stories
A&A (Business Consulting) Limited Provision of Life Planning Education and Career Information for Secondary Schools in Hong Kong, 2018/19 School Year for Education Bureau
Accentrix Company Limited Thematic Website on International Schools for Education Bureau
ACME Communication Limited Nil
Actel Limited Holistic Security Assessment for The Pilot Multi-functional Smart Lampposts Scheme for OGCIO
Ambit Geospatial Solution Limited Provision of Services for Pilot Study on Application and Development of Close Range Data Capture Technology on Advanced Quadruped Robots and Data Processing by Artificial Intelligence Model for Geotechnical Works for CEDD
Supply of 3D Map and BIM Application Licenses and Provision of Related Services to ISLAB (Innovation and Solution Lab) for HKPF
Provision of Proof-of-Concept (“PoC”) Services for Drone Technologies for Assessing Tree Health Conditions for OGCIO
APJ Software (Hong Kong) Company Limited Nil
Arcotect Limited Nil
Armitage Technologies Limited Provision of System Maintenance and Support Services for GFIS and WBQS for Marine Department
Au Posford Consultants Limited Nil
Automated Systems (HK) Limited Nil
Azeus Systems Limited Nil