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“iAM Smart” Adoption by Public and Private Organisations


The Chief Executive's 2017 Policy Address announced a number of digital infrastructure projects to support the smart city development in Hong Kong. One of them is the provision of a digital identity (officially named as “iAM Smart) to Hong Kong residents free of charge, enabling them to use a single digital identity and authentication method to conduct online government and commercial transactions.

The Chief Executive's 2022 Policy Address further announced that the Government aims to provide one-stop personalised digital services platform by fully adopting "iAM Smart" within three years so as to realise “single portal for online government services”. 

“iAM Smart” Platform

Launched in December 2020, “iAM Smart” mobile app provides one-stop personalised digital services platform, which enables users to log in and use online services by their personal mobile phone in a smart and convenient way. All Hong Kong Identity Card holders aged 11 or above are eligible to register for “iAM Smart”.

“iAM Smart” Application Program Interfaces

To enable public and private organisations to adopt “iAM Smart in their online services, three sets of iAM Smart Application Program Interfaces are provided to online services of public and private organizations by the Government for authentication, digital signing, and e-ME Form Filling.

  • Authentication
    Users will have a single digital identity that enables simple and secure login to various government and commercial online services. It brings convenience to daily life without having to manage different user names and passwords.
  • Digital Signing
    Users can sign digitally in accordance with the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Chapter 553 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to process legal documents and procedures online.
  • “e-ME” Form Filling
    Users can use the “e-ME function to store their personalised data (such as name, gender, HKID Card number, date of birth, residential address, address data from utility bills and contact phone number), and enjoy the convenience brought by auto form filling and avoid filling in the same data for different applications.

For more information on “iAM Smart”, please visit the “iAM Smart” website https://iamsmart.gov.hk).

“iAM Smart” Sandbox Programme

In collaboration with Cyberport, Digital Policy Office is implementing an “iAM Smart” Sandbox Programme (“Sandbox”) for public and private organisations to conduct mock-up tests and integration tests on the API functions in order to get better prepared for the adoption of iAM Smart.

The Sandbox is now open to companies/organisations of the business sectors shown below.

  • Financial Sector
  • Information and Communications Technology (“ICT”) Sector
  • Telecommunications Sector
  • Healthcare Sector
  • Education Sector
  • Culture Sector
  • Sports Sector
  • Tourism Sector
  • Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs) and Licensed Money Service Operators (MSOs) under AMLO and Licensed Money Lenders mentioned in the Guideline on Compliance of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Requirements for Licensed Money Lenders
  • Accounting Sector
  • Legal Sector
  • Transport and Logistics Sector
  • Charity Sector
  • Property Management Sector
  • Real Estate Sector

Digital Policy Office will extend the adoption of “iAM Smart” APIs to the online services of other business sectors progressively and make announcements on this website accordingly.

For enquiries on Sandbox and the application procedures, please visit the Sandbox website (https://iamsmart.cyberport.hk) or contact Cyberport by email at iamsmart@cyberport.hk.