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Interoperability Framework for E-Government

Matters for Attention

Overview of the Interoperability Framework (IF)

A key business objective of our e-government initiatives is to provide client-centric joined-up government services to the public. Since government services are diverse and are offered by different government Bureaux and Departments (B/Ds), to provide one-stop comprehensive services, we must enable the seamless flow of information, within legal bounds, across individual B/Ds as necessary.

The HKSAR Government has established the IF since 2002 for B/Ds and related organizations to achieve interoperability in the exchange of electronic data and the development of integrated e-government services. The IF is primarily a collection of guidance documents, standards, and specifications that help B/Ds define the interface between interacting applications.

Computer systems implemented on different hardware and software platforms by different B/Ds can interoperate with one another by adopting the IF. Nevertheless, it has no binding influence whatsoever on the methods and forms of electronic interaction among members of the public or businesses.

Data specifications for interface between application systems are defined in Extensible Markup Language (XML), which is a key component of the IF. An XML Co-ordination Group (XMLCG) has been formed to develop strategies to facilitate more effective adoption of XML. In addition, specialist groups in some B/Ds are taking the lead in specifying data exchange standards for their respective business areas.

Development of the IF is a long-term, on-going strategic effort. The overall IF, including the technical specifications, is managed by the Interoperability Framework Co-ordination Group (IFCG). To accommodate new business requirements and keep in pace with technology advancements, the technical standards of IF are regularly reviewed and updated on annual basis by means of a consultative revision process to elicit industry as well as public participation.

Feedback and comments on the IF are most welcome, and should be addressed to the IFCG at ifcg@digitalpolicy.gov.hk.

Document Library

The specifications for facilitating interoperability currently include:

Related Documents:

Related Documents Details
Circulars and promulgations to the general public
Analysis of technical standards
Industry specific initiatives