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Career Corner

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Our Hong Kong IT Industry

Hong Kong has a world-class Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure and an open, competitive and safe environment that is conducive to the development of a vibrant ICT industry. With some 16 857 business establishments, the ICT sector generated business receipts and income amounting to HK$1,750 billion, representing 6.3% of our GDP as of 2022.

Source: “Hong Kong as an Information Society”, 2024 Edition, the Census and Statistics Department

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IT Career Role Models Platform

This platform provides a concrete overview of IT positions, career progression path and career prospects of the IT profession in local and multinational companies/enterprises of different industry sectors. Read more about IT Career Role Models Platform.
Icon for Hong Kong IT Manpower

Hong Kong IT Manpower

The labour market in the IT sector of Hong Kong keeps steady growth with total IT employment rose to 112 425 IT employees in April 2022. Read more about Hong Kong IT Manpower.


Icon for Manpower Projection to 2027

Manpower Projection to 2027

The Information & Communications (I&C) sector consists of three sub-sectors, namely Telecommunication activities, Software publishing and information technology related services, and Miscellaneous activities related to information and communications. Read more about Manpower Projection to 2027.