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Best Practice 1.11 – Provide sign language for prerecorded videos (Baseline level*)

Sign language is a method universally used by persons with hearing impairment to communicate. This provides the ability to reflect emotion, intonation and other audio information that may be limited when using captions. Sign language should be provided for videos as far as practicable. Resolution of the sign language picture should be sufficient to show clearly the facial expression and the finger movements of the translator.

* To attain the Baseline level, mobile applications are required to adopt any of the best practices in 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11.


Before Rectification
A sample mobile application page showing a video recorded without sign language description.
Simply having the video with a transcript or captions may not satisfy all users especially those illiterate persons with hearing impairment.
After Rectification
A sample mobile application page showing a video recorded with sign language description.
An ideal way is to translate this information through sign language as shown above


W3C WCAG Reference: 1.2.6 Sign Language (Prerecorded)