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Best Practice 1.10 – Provide captions for videos (Baseline level*)

Provide captions for all videos so that they are accessible by persons with hearing impairment. Captions not only present the content of a conversation but also the important cues and surrounding noises.

* To attain the Baseline level, mobile applications are required to adopt any of the best practices in 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11.


Before Rectification
A sample mobile application page showing a video without caption.
For a video without caption, it is not perceivable by persons with hearing impairment.
After Rectification
A sample mobile application page showing a video with caption.
Captions as shown in the example above should be provided so that persons with hearing impairment can fully understand the content of the video.


W3C WCAG Reference: 1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded), 1.2.4 Captions (Live)