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Digital Inclusion

In order to allow members of our society to enjoy the benefits of digital technology, the Digital Policy Office promotes various digital inclusion measures to help those in need (especially the elderlies) to understand and use digital technology products and services so that they can use digital technologies effectively and safely, thereby fully integrate into the digital society.

Measures of Digital Inclusion

ICT Outreach Programme for the Elderly

The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Outreach Programme for the Elderly (Outreach Programme) was launched on a regular basis since 2014. Non-profit-making elderly services organisations were commissioned to visit elderly people across the territory, including those living in residential care homes, receiving day care centre and home care services, as well as the hidden elderly. In addition, these organisations organised various activities to enable the elderly to experience digital living and encourage them to use more digital technology. Funded organisations under the new round of the Outreach Programme (2023-2025) have started their outreach activities in June 2023.

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Enriched ICT Training Programme for the Elderly

The Enriched ICT Training Programme for the Elderly (Training Programme) was launched on a regular basis since 2019, offering free advanced digital training courses in the community for the elderly with basic knowledge of digital technology. The course cover various topics, including government mobile applications, smart healthcare, online shopping, mobile payment, e-wallet, social media and cyber security, etc. Training courses of the new round of Training Programme (2024-2026) are now open for enrolment.

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Web-based Learning Portal for the Elderly

The “Elderly IT Learning Portal” (the Portal) was launched in October 2019, with its contents being updated regularly to facilitate the elderly in learning digital technologies anywhere and anytime based on their personal needs and interests. The learning modules provided in the Portal include online shopping, “iAM Smart”, “HKeMobility”, cloud-based tools, cyber security, electronic payment, and electronic food ordering applications, etc.

The Elderly IT Learning Portal

Digital Inclusion Programme for the Elderlies

The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) will allocate $100 million to subsidise non-governmental organisations to implement the Digital Inclusion Programme for the Elderlies. Community-based help desks will be set up at suitable locations (e.g. community centres) to provide regular and fixed-point training on digital technologies and technical support to elderlies aged 60 or above in Hong Kong, particularly singleton or doubleton elderlies living in the old districts and public housing, in the coming three years. The programme covers topics including smartphone operation, the use of digital government services (e.g. iAM Smart and other common government mobile applications) and cyber security, etc. to enhance the elderlies’ capability in adopting digital technologies. Experienced staff (or volunteers) will station at the community-based help desks to provide technical support tailored to the specific needs of the elderlies, so that they can enjoy the benefits brought about by digital services.

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Digital Accessibility Campaign

The web is a predominant channel for disseminating information and providing services to the public. Its usefulness will be greatly enhanced if the contents are accessible by the widest possible audience, including persons with disabilities.

Digital Accessibility is to make sure that the digital contents are available for all, including not only persons with disabilities but also persons with specific difficulties such as the elderly and persons beset with colour-blindness, cognitive and physical issues such as dyslexia, epilepsy, etc. An accessible digital content not only helps deliver messages wider across, but also improves the general usability for all users. It also helps building a caring and inclusive society. Over the years, the Government has been actively promoting digital accessibility to facilitate persons with disabilities to access online information and services and enhance their user experience.

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Past Digital Inclusion Initiatives

Enriched ICT Training Programme for the Elderly (2021-2023)
ICT Outreach Programme for the Elderly (2021-2023)
Two-year Enriched ICT Training Programme for the Elderly (2019-2021)
Two-year ICT Outreach Programme for the Elderly (2018-2020)
ICT Outreach Programme for the Elderly 2017-18
ICT Outreach Programme for the Elderly 2015-16
ICT Outreach Programme for the Elderly 2013-14
Inter-generational Digital Inclusion

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