What's New

Structured Address. Details

Part 1: General Reference

Dictionary Entry Information
Dictionary Entry Name: Structured Address. Details
UID: COM000046 Version: 1.0 Maturity Level:
0, Agreed in principle
6 B/Ds voted for "0"
1 B/Ds voted for "1"
54 B/Ds indicated no preference
Status: Approved Last Updated:
Other Versions: Nil
Related Schemas: Free Format Address. Details v1.0
Business Terms: Nil


Part 2: Information Model

Definition and Usage
Definition Contain necessary information about a structured (possibly validated) address within Hong Kong, optionally together with validation result of the address.
Usage Rules More details are available in the "Data Exchange Standard on Structured Address" document.

Data Structure Diagram
Data structure diagrams are available in the "Data Exchange Standard on Structured Address" document.

Details of Basic Business Information Entities (BIEs) / Aggregated BIEs
Details are available in the "Data Exchange Standard on Structured Address" document.

Related Code Lists
English District Council. Code
Chinese District Council. Code


Part 3: Sample XML Data

Sample XML Code Segment
(English only)

  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->
              <FloorDescription>Level 6</FloorDescription>
          <BuildingName>Cyberport 1</BuildingName>
            <StreetName>Cyberport Road</StreetName>
  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->

(Both English and Chinese)

  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->
            <BuildingName>Wanchai Tower</BuildingName>
              <StreetName>Harbour Road</StreetName>
              <Sub-district>Wan Chai</Sub-district>
  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->

(Lot address)

  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->
            <Sub-district>Yuen Long</Sub-district>
  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->

(With Building CSU and validation information)

  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->
            <EstateName>Villa Monte Rosa</EstateName>
            <StreetName>Stubbs Road</StreetName>
  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->


Part 4: Context Categories

Context Categories
Business Process Classification In all contexts
Service / Product Classification In all contexts
Industry Classification In all contexts
Geopolitical HONG KONG
Official Constraints None


Part 5: Related Materials

Supplementary References
Discussion Paper 2004/01
Discussion Paper 2004/04
Discussion Paper 2004/05

Related Downloads
XML Schema for Structured Address. Details v1.0
Document on "Data Exchange Standard on Structured Address"