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Detailed verification information of the e-Cert (Personal) with Mutual Recognition Status of the Postmaster General:

A. Only after all of the following information are verified, the certificate can be considered as having mutual recognition status:

1. Validity period:

From 00:00 11 July 2015 to until further notice

2. Root certificate of the recognised certification authority:

Hongkong Post Root CA 2

3. Signing certificate of the recognised certification authority for certificate with mutual recognition status:

Hongkong Post e-Cert CA 2 – 15

4. Name of certificate type in the certificate:

Hongkong Post e-Cert (Personal)

5. The Object Identifier ("OID") of the "Certificate Policy for Mutual Recognition of Electronic Signature Certificates Issued by Hong Kong and Guangdong" in the certificate:

X.509 Field Extension Field Contents(Note)
Certificate Policies Certificate Policy
Policy Identifier=2.16.344.8.2.2008.810.2.xxxx.x.x

(Note: The last 3 nodes represent (year-version-release). Generally speaking, relying parties should verify the OID "Policy Identifier = 2.16.344.8.2.2008.810.2" without the last 3 nodes. If relying parties only accept a particular version (year-version-release) of certificate policy for mutual recognition, they could verify all nodes of the OID.)

B. Other reference information:

1. Contact Details:


2. LDAP, OCSP or Repository:


3. Certification Practice Statement(s):


C. Amendment Record:

The following are the previous root certificate(s) and signing certificate(s) of the recognised certification authority for the issuance of certificate with mutual recognition status:

Root certificate(s) of the recognised certification authority:

Hongkong Post Root CA 1

Signing certificate(s) of the recognised certification authority for certificate with mutual recognition status :

Hongkong Post e-Cert CA 1 - 10

(Note: Please refer to the related Certification Practice Statement(s) or contact the recognised certification authority for more information of the above.)