Committee of the Artificial Intelligence Subsidy Scheme
Terms of Reference:
The Committee of the Artificial Intelligence Subsidy Scheme (Committee) is to:
- advise the Digital Policy Office (DPO) on the general directions, administration and mode of operation with respect to the Artificial Intelligence Subsidy Scheme (AISS), including the applicable rules and guidelines on the use of government funding and arrangements for managing conflict of interests, as well as the key performance indicators of the Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited (Cyberport) as agreed with the DPO;
- vet the applications for computing power subsidies under the AISS received by Cyberport and approve the level of computing power, duration, subsidy amount, terms and conditions of subsidies, etc.;
- consider progress reports submitted by approved applicants for computing power subsidies and Cyberport on the AISS;
- submit an annual report on the operation of the AISS to the DPO; and
- advise on any other matters concerning the AISS and the related issues as may be requested by the Government.
Mr Hendrick SIN, MH
Non-official Members
Mr Ricky CHAN Wai-chung
Hon Carmen KAN Wai-mun, JP
Mr Victor LAM Wai-kiu, SBS
Professor LIU Yun-hui
Dr WONG Chung-kiu, BBS, MH
Dr YANG Qiang
Ex-officio Member
Commissioner for Digital Policy or his/her representative
Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited
Tel: (852) 3166 3800
Fax: (852) 3166 3118