Digital Infrastructure
Digital Infrastructure

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Subsidy Scheme

To promote the development of the local AI ecosystem, the Government has allocated $3 billion for the launch of a three-year AI Subsidy Scheme to support local universities, R&D centres, government departments and AI-related enterprises in leveraging the computing power of Cyberport’s AI Supercomputing Centre (AISC). The subsidy will also be used to strengthen the cyber security and data protection of the AISC, and organise promotional and educational activities to attract Mainland and overseas AI experts, enterprises and research and development projects to come to Hong Kong.

The Government appointed the Committee of the AI Subsidy Scheme in August 2024 to advise on the general directions, administration and mode of operation of the AI Subsidy Scheme, and vet eligible applications for the AISC computing power subsidies, including the specific amount, duration and conditions of use.

Application Details

Please visit https://aisc.cyberport.hk/aiss for the application details. For enquiries, please contact the Secretariat at aiss_enquiry@cyberport.hk.