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Streamlining of Government Services Programme

Streamlining business processes to drive continuous improvement of government services involving applications and approvals

Launched in 2019, the "Streamlining of Government Services" (SGS) Programme aims to improve government services involving applications and approvals through streamlining business processes and widening the adoption of technology on a continuous basis with a view to improving their convenience, efficiency and transparency.

Success Stories


In 2023-24, 40 bureaux and departments have proposed a total of 104 streamlining measures under the SGS Programme, entailing 249 government services with an estimated total annual transaction volume of over 12 million.


Streamlining measures




Government services



Annual transaction volume

The streamlining measures under the SGS Programme will bring improvements around the following areas:

Most of the measures proposed in 2023-24 focused on improving service channels (82%), followed by streamlining business processes (20%), reducing documentation requirements (16%) and strengthening communications (14%) (Note). Of all the measures, 83% involves the adoption of technology.

(Note: Figures do not add up to 100% as one measure may contribute to one or multiple improvement areas.)

Streamlining Business Processes

Streamlining Business Processes

Reducing Documentation Requirements

Reducing Documentation Requirements

Strengthening Communications

Improving Service Channels

Improving Service Channels

Strengthening Communications

Business Matching 2022

In collaboration with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation and the Cyberport, we have identified a number of I&T solutions offered by technology ventures pertinent to the wider digitisation of government services. In this connection, a series of online business matching sessions customised for the needs of bureaux and departments under the SGS Programme was conducted in February and March 2022, attracting over 580 participants from 28 bureaux and departments joining the event to keep abreast of the latest I&T solutions in the market that may be adopted to enhance the delivery of public services.