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5.6 Best Practice Checklist for Developers

How to Use This Checklist

  1. Review each of the best practice and “check off” all the best practices that DO NOT APPLY to the mobile application under testing, using the N/A column.
    For example, if a mobile application does not have any multi-media content, then Best Practice 1.9 – 1.13 can be marked with “N/A” and the Visual Review can be skipped.□ Other items marked as “Skip” can be ignored for the corresponding testing.
  2. Perform Visual Review by checking all items listed in the visual review column.
  3. Test using Screen Readers.

(A) Best Practice Checklist (Advanced level)

1. Perceivable

Best Practice N/A Visual Review Screen Readers
Text related
1.1 Provide text alternatives for non-text contents Skip
1.2 Avoid images of text Skip
1.3 Provide text resize function to scale up text size or zoom support function (or work well with device’s zoom feature) without loss of content Skip
1.4 Provide meaningful content sequence Skip
1.5 Do not solely rely on sensory characteristics for instructions
1.6 Avoid solely rely on colours to convey information Skip
1.7 Provide sufficient colour contrast Skip
1.8 Provide alternative means for notification Skip
Multi-media related
1.9 Provide description for prerecorded video
1.10 Provide captions for videos
1.11 Provide sign language for prerecorded videos Skip
1.12 Provide alternatives for audio-only information
1.13 Easy to turn off background sound or set as user-initiated only

2. Operable

Best Practice N/A Visual Review Screen Readers
Navigation related
2.1 Provide navigation for going backward
2.2 Provide multiple ways Skip
2.3 Provide clear and simple headings Skip
2.4 Provide clear and informative links
2.5 Provide focus visible Skip
Control related
2.6 Provide means to close popovers
2.7 Minimize user input
2.8 Make all clickable objects large enough to be tapped
2.9 Provide simple gesture
2.10 Provide sufficient time for users to read the content and operate a function
2.11 Lists with user-initiated auto-updating
2.12 Provide three flashes or below threshold Skip

3. Understandable

Best Practice N/A Visual Review Screen Readers
User interface related
3.1 Provide consistent and simple user interface structure
3.2 Avoid sudden change of context
3.3 Provide consistent identification
Input related
3.4 Provide error identification
3.5 Provide input assistance such as proper labels or instructions for user
3.6 Provide error suggestion
3.7 Provide means for error prevention (legal, financial, data)

4. Other Best Practice

Best Practice N/A Visual Review Screen Readers
4.1 Provide contact points or email feedback as well as an accessibility statement

(B) Best Practice Checklist (Baseline level)

1. Perceivable

Best Practice N/A Visual Review Screen Readers
Text related
1.1 Provide text alternatives for non-text contents Skip
1.3 Provide text resize function to scale up text size or zoom support function (or work well with device’s zoom feature) without loss of content Skip
1.4 Provide meaningful content sequence Skip
1.7 Provide sufficient colour contrast Skip
1.8 Provide alternative means for notification Skip
Multi-media related
1.9* Provide description for prerecorded video
1.10* Provide captions for videos
1.11* Provide sign language for prerecorded videos Skip
1.13 Easy to turn off background sound or set as user-initiated only

2. Operable

Best Practice N/A Visual Review Screen Readers
Navigation related
2.1 Provide navigation for going backward
2.3 Provide clear and simple headings Skip
2.4 Provide clear and informative links
Control related
2.6 Provide means to close popovers
2.8 Make all clickable objects large enough to be tapped
2.10 Provide sufficient time for users to read the content and operate a function

3. Understandable

Best Practice N/A Visual Review Screen Readers
User interface related
3.1 Provide consistent and simple user interface structure
3.3 Provide consistent identification
Input related
3.4 Provide error identification
3.5 Provide input assistance such as proper labels or instructions for user
3.6 Provide error suggestion
3.7 Provide means for error prevention (legal, financial, data)

4. Other Best Practice

Best Practice N/A Visual Review Screen Readers
4.1 Provide contact points or email feedback as well as an accessibility statement


* To attain the Baseline level, mobile applications are required to adopt all the best practices in the above table while adopting any of the best practices 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11.