What's New

This webpage demonstrates the “before rectification” and “after rectification” mobile application pages on the implementation of the best practices suggested in the Mobile Application Accessibility Handbook.  This webpage may contain coding which is non-conformance to World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 success criteria.

Illustration on Best Practice 3.5 - Provide input assistance such as proper labels or instructions for user input (Baseline level)

Before Rectification

A sample mobile application page containing blank input fields.
Customer Database
A sample mobile application page containing blank input fields.

The input fields above do not have detailed instructions on the types of information expected.

After Rectification

A sample mobile application page containing input fields with input instructions for each field.
Customer Database
A sample mobile application page containing input fields with input instructions for each field.

The input fields above contain instructions on the types of information expected.