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Best Practice 3.7 – Provide means for error prevention (legal, financial, data) (Baseline level)

If a user has to submit data that have legal or financial consequences, make sure the system allows the user to check and confirm the information before submission, or reverse the transaction after submitting.


Before Rectification
A sample mobile application page with a button to “Place Order” as the last step of a transaction.
This indicates the last step of a transaction, in which the user is forced to place the order without a confirmation process.
After Rectification
A sample mobile application page with a button to “Confirm Order” so as to allow details to be changed before final submission.
It is better to allow the user to first confirm and give an option to change any of the details before the final submission.


W3C WCAG Reference: 3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)