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Best Practice 1.6 – Avoid solely rely on colours to convey information (Advanced level)

Do not rely solely on colours to convey information. It is impossible to be sure that everybody perceives colours in the same way (for example those persons with visual impairment or colour blindness), and information seems obvious to one person may be omitted by another.


Before Rectification
A sample mobile application page with an input form, where the mandatory fields’ labels are in red colour.
In this example, labels in red are mandatory fields, however, a colour blind or visually impaired person may not be able to detect this colour difference.
After Rectification
A sample mobile application page with an input form, where the mandatory fields’ labels are marked by adding asterisk and in red colour.
By adding asterisk (*) after each label, people who cannot perceive colours can still differentiate the mandatory fields.


W3C WCAG Reference: 1.4.1 Use of Colour