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Best Practice 1.3 – Provide text resize function to scale up text size or zoom support function (or work well with device’s zoom feature) without loss of content (Baseline level)

Ensure all text can be resized without loss of content or functionality by providing text resize function, or zoom support function (or work well with device’s built-in zoom feature).

As a good practice, always provide a text resize function to facilitate reading wherever practicable. In this way, persons with mild visual impairment can read the content without using assistive technologies such as a screen magnifier.


Before Rectification
A sample mobile application without a text resize function.
In this example, there is no text resize function.
After Rectification
A sample mobile application with a text resize function.
By adding a text resize function, text size can be easily scaled up to meet individual needs.


W3C WCAG Reference: 1.4.4 Resize Text