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Best Practice 1.13 – Easy to turn off background sound or set as user-initiated only (Baseline level)

Background sound playing should be user-initiated, or at least there is a convenient navigation option to turn off the auto-playing audio or a setup function should be provided in the mobile application for user to control the audio.

Sound that plays automatically in a mobile application can be annoying to some people, in particular for people who are using screen readers to listen to the screen contents.


Before Rectification
A sample mobile application setting page without the option to control the background music.
In this example, background sound play automatically and there is no option to control or turn off.
After Rectification
A sample mobile application setting page with the option to control the background music.
By adding an option in the "Settings" panel, user can control the background music.


W3C WCAG Reference: 1.4.2 Audio Control