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Best Practice 1.1 – Provide text alternatives for non-text contents (Baseline level)

Ensure that all buttons, pictures, icons, photos and images (except CAPTCHA and images used for decoration, formatting or invisible), must have a meaningful and concise text description so that it can be read by screen readers. Text alternatives should be kept short (e.g. around four-word length) as far as possible.


Before Rectification
 A sample mobile application page with a graphic without text alternative.
Screen readers are unable to read images without meaningful text descriptions.
After Rectification
 A sample mobile application page with a graphic and a text alternative that can be read by a screen reader.
The text description enable users reading the mobile application screen page to know what the image is about and what it is supposed to illustrate.


W3C WCAG Reference: 1.1.1 Non-text Content