What's New

9.19 WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion 3.3.4 - Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)

If a user has to submit data that have legal or financial consequences, make sure the system allows the user to check and confirm his/her information before submitting, or reverse the transaction after submitting.

Before Rectification

A web form sample containing a button to 'Place Order' as the last step of a transaction.

This screen indicates the last step of a transaction, in which the user is forced to place the order without a confirmation process.

After Rectification

A web form sample containing a button to 'Confirm Order' so as to allow details to be changed before final submission.

It is better to allow the user to first confirm and give him/her the option to change any of the details before the final submission.

WCAG 2.1 Reference:
