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8.4 WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion 1.2.3 − Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded)

When a video with audio is uploaded onto a website, a visually impaired person will be able to hear the audio but will not be able to see the picture. As a result he/she will only have access to part of the information. Websites should either provide additional audio that explains what is happening in the picture or provide a text transcript that explains both the audio and what is taking place in the picture.

Before Rectification

An image of a video without a link to a text transcript.

With video as shown in the example above, a visually impaired person will be able to hear the audio but will not be able to see the picture. He/she needs some other ways to know that there is a picture of a person on this screen.

After Rectification

An image of a video included a link to a text transcript has been added.

A simple solution to this is to provide a text version that includes dialogue and also explains what is appearing on the screen.

WCAG 2.1 Reference:
