What's New

8.16 WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion 2.4.1 − Bypass Blocks

Ensure users have the ability to skip past repetitive blocks of content (e.g. the navigation at the top of the webpage). Add a link that goes directly to the main content at the top of each webpage.

Before Rectification

A webpage sample containing a number of navigation elements between the top of the page and the page content.

With such a webpage, people using screen readers will need to read all the navigation information before getting to the target content. People who navigate using only a keyboard will require many keystrokes before getting to the target content.

After Rectification

A webpage sample containing a “Skip” button to the content link at the top of the page above the navigation elements.

By adding a "Skip to content" link at the top of each webpage, persons with disabilities will be able to click that link and bypass the navigation information to get to the main content.

WCAG 2.1 Reference:
