What's New

2.3 Success Criterion 2.5.2 – Pointer Cancellation

Functions are completed by the up-event (e.g. release the mouse button or remove the finger from the screen) and either one of the following mechanisms is available:

  • To abort the function before completion; or
  • To undo the function after completion.

There is exemption when the down-event is essential such as in the piano keyboard emulation program.


Before Rectification

A webpage sample with a “Confirm” button for user to confirm the donation.

When the user makes a donation by clicking the confirm button, the donation is confirmed before the user releases the mouse button.  There is no way for the user to abort the function after he/she has pressed the mouse button.


After Rectification

Two webpage samples.  Both webpage samples with a “Confirm” button for user to confirm the donation, but with different results for mouse press action.

The donation will be confirmed only if the user presses and releases the mouse button at the clickable area.  If the user wants to abort the function after pressing the mouse button, he/she can drag the mouse pointer out of the clickable area, then release the mouse button.


WCAG 2 Reference: