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This webpage demonstrates “before rectification” and “after rectification” on conformance to a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 success criteria, and contains non-conformance coding to demonstrate non-conformance.

Illustration on Web Accessibility Success Criteria 1.4.4 - Resize text

Before Rectification

There are no functions to resize the text in the illustration below.

Resize text: Understanding Success Criteria 1.4.4
Graphics size will not change when text resizing Some organisations may consider their websites to be "accessible" when the websites are easily found by search engines. However, the core principle of web accessibility is not about whether people "can find you", it is about whether all people, irrespective of age, race, education or disability, can access to information in websites.


After Rectification

Please click the resize text function on the top right hand corner in the illustration below.

Resize text: Understanding Success Criteria 1.4.4 small font medium font large font      

The text size can be easily adjusted with the resize text function.