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7.2 The Guidelines on Dissemination of Information through Government Websites

The HKSAR Government has, since 1999, incorporated web accessibility requirements in the Guidelines on Dissemination of Information through Government Websites. From 2013 onwards, government websites except archive materials are required to validate to W3C WCAG 2.0 Level AA conformance. Besides, government bureaux/departments are advised to adopt WCAG 2.1 Level AA standard, where appropriate, when carrying out major revamp of websites or establishing new websites. We consider that level A achieves a minimum level of accessibility only. On the other hand, while level AAA provides the highest standard of accessibility, conformance to Level AAA may require substantial resources from the organisations under certain circumstances. To achieve the right balance, Level AA conformance would generally enable persons with disabilities to use a website. We also encourage websites to incorporate Level AAA features to further enhance accessibility.