What's New

10.2  Visual Review

A great deal can be learnt about the accessibility of a website just by visual browsing while having in mind the following questions:

  • Can the content be easily read?
  • Can the forms for collecting input be used effectively?

We suggest paying particular attention to anything visual that might not work well for persons with visual impairments, for example:

  • Is the text too small?
  • Does it use pale coloured text on a pale background, making the text hard to read?

A simple look at a website can reveal many potential web accessibility issues for persons with disabilities.

Some recommended approaches that should be included in a visual review are:

  • Turn off cascading style sheets (CSS). This is how your website will often be interpreted by screen readers. Does the content have a logical flow and structure?
  • Try using the built in browser text enlargement functions. Do they work?
  • Try moving around the webpages using just a keyboard. Can we access all the links and functions?



Example Tools :

  • Colour Contrast Analyser
  • WCAG Contrast Checker
  • Web Developer (Firefox plugin)