What's New

A.6 WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion 1.4.6 − Contrast (Enhanced)

Previously it was mentioned that having a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 is sufficient. This is the case for Level AA. Level AAA increases this ratio to 7.1:1 by using darker text on a lighter background or vice versa.

Before Rectification

An image of a contrast checker showing a contrast ratio of 5.03 for the colour of the text and background, which is not Level AAA compliant.

The text colour and background indicated in the contrast checker above do not comply with Level AAA.

After Rectification

An image of a contrast checker showing a contrast ratio of 7.5 for the colour of the text and background, which is Level AAA compliant.

This text and background colour combination complies with Level AAA with the use of the contrast ratio above.

WCAG 2.1 Reference:
