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Information of sign language interpretation services

List of Sign Language Interpretation Services Providers

The following are the organisations that provide sign language interpretation services and their contact information.

Organisation Telephone Number
Cheung Ching Lutheran Centre for the Disabled 2495 0118
Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong (Y’s Men’s Centre for the Deaf) 2717 1754
Hong Kong Association of the Deaf 2327 2497
Hong Kong Sign Language Association Email: info@hksla.org.hk
Whatsapp: 6414 0307
Silence 2777 0919
The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf Email: sign@deaf.org.hk
Whatsapp: 6097 0179
2711 3134

Hong Kong Sign Language Interpreter List

The Hong Kong Sign Language Interpreter List is jointly established by the Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities / Hong Kong Council of Social Service and the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee. It contains information of people who provide sign language interpretation services in Hong Kong.

Link of Hong Kong Sign Language Interpreter List (Chinese Only)