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Person Chinese Name. Details

Part 1: General Reference

Dictionary Entry Information
Dictionary Entry Name: Person Chinese Name. Details
UID: COM000016 Version: 1.0 Maturity Level:
2, Matured for adoption by B/Ds on 13-02-2006
Status: Approved Last Updated:
Other Versions: Nil
Related Schemas: Person. English. Name
Business Terms: Nil


Part 2: Information Model

Definition and Usage
Definition The name of a person in Chinese, optionally with Chinese Commercial Code (CCC).
Usage Rules Repeat the whole structure for storing additional names as alias. The number of occurrence of 'Person Chinese Name. Chinese Commercial Code' (if not equal to 0) should equal the number of characters in 'Person Chinese Name. Name'.

Data Structure Diagram
Data Structure Diagram for Person Chinese Name. Details

Details of Basic Business Information Entities (BIEs) / Aggregated BIEs
Order UID Dictionary Entry Name Property Term Cardinality
Definition Data Type Restriction
1 COM000017 Person Chinese Name. Name Name 1
The name of a person in Chinese. String Maximum length: 6
2 COM000018 Person Chinese Name. Chinese Commercial Code Chinese Commercial Code 0..6
Optional Chinese Commercial Code (CCC) printed on the HKID Card, with optional 1-digit extension. N/A N/A
2.1 COM000020 Chinese Commercial Code. Four Digit Code. Text Four Digit Code 1
4-digit Chinese Commercial Code (CCC) printed on the HKID Card String 4 numeric digits
Length: 4
2.2 COM000021 Chinese Commercial Code. Extension Number. Text Extension Number 0..1
Optional 1-digit extension of the Chinese Commercial Code (CCC). In some cases, a Chinese character may be written in multiple ways (i.e. represented by more than one glyphs), this extension code is used by the Immigration Department and some other government departments to indicate which glyph to use when displaying or printing that Chinese character. There are also some rare cases where a CCC may be used to represent more than one Chinese characters, in these cases, this extension code will be used to indicate which character it is referring to. String 1 numeric digit
Length: 1

Related Code Lists


Part 3: Sample XML Data

Sample XML Code Segment
  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->
  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->

(with alias)

  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->
  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->

(with CCC)

  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->
  <!-- Please note that the 2nd and 3rd Chinese Characters have
        the same FourDigitCode, but the 3rd Chinese Character has
        additional ExtensionNumber -->
  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->


Part 4: Context Categories

Context Categories
Business Process Classification In all contexts
Service / Product Classification In all contexts
Industry Classification In all contexts
Geopolitical In all contexts
Official Constraints None


Part 5: Related Materials

Supplementary References
Discussion Paper 2003/01 "Common Schema for Person Name"

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