What's New

HKSARG Employee. Rank. Code

Part 1: General Reference

Dictionary Entry Information
Dictionary Entry Name: HKSARG Employee. Rank. Code
UID: COM000004 Version: 1.0 Maturity Level:
2, Matured for adoption by B/Ds on 01-02-2005
Status: Approved Last Updated:
Other Versions: Nil
Related Schemas: Nil
Business Terms: Rank Code


Part 2: Information Model

Definition and Usage
Definition A code representing the rank of a civil servant of the HKSARG.
Usage Rules Nil

Data Structure Diagram
Data Structure Diagram for HKSARG Employee. Rank. Code

Details of Basic Business Information Entities (BIEs) / Aggregated BIEs
Order UID Dictionary Entry Name Property Term Cardinality
Definition Data Type Restriction
1 COM000004 HKSARG Employee. Rank. Code Rank N/A
A code representing the rank of a civil servant of the HKSARG. String Length: 5
Code list: Rank list table from Treasury's Intranet in CCGO

Related Code Lists
Rank list table from Treasury's Intranet in CCGO


Part 3: Sample XML Data

Sample XML Code Segment
  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->
  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->


Part 4: Context Categories

Context Categories
Business Process Classification In all contexts
Service / Product Classification In all contexts
Industry Classification In all contexts
Geopolitical HONG KONG
Official Constraints None


Part 5: Related Materials

Supplementary References

Related Downloads
XML Schema for HKSARG Employee. Rank. Code v1.0