What's New

Financial Report. Department. Code

Part 1: General Reference

Dictionary Entry Information
Dictionary Entry Name: Financial Report. Department Code
UID: COM000036 Version: 1.0 Maturity Level:
2, Matured for adoption by B/Ds on 11-05-2009
Status: Approved Last Updated:
Other Versions: Nil
Related Schemas: HKSARG Department. Code
Business Terms: GFMIS Department Code


Part 2: Information Model

Definition and Usage
Definition A code representing a government bureau or department or an accounting subject in the HKSARG in financial reporting processes.
Usage Rules Nil

Data Structure Diagram
Data Structure Diagram for Financial Report. Department. Code

Details of Basic Business Information Entities (BIEs) / Aggregated BIEs
Order UID Dictionary Entry Name Property Term Cardinality
Definition Data Type Restriction
1 COM000036 Financial Report. Department. Code Department N/A
A code representing a government bureau or department or an accounting subject in the HKSARG in financial reporting processes. String Length: 2
Code list: GFMIS department code from Treasury's Intranet in CCGO

Related Code Lists
GFMIS (Government Financial Management Information System) department code from Treasury's Intranet in CCGO


Part 3: Sample XML Data

Sample XML Code Segment
  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->
  <!-- Financial Report. Department. Code Example for GOVERNMENT FLYING SERVICE -->
  <!-- other project data sub-items here -->


Part 4: Context Categories

Context Categories
Business Process Classification Administration. Financial Reporting
Service / Product Classification In all contexts
Industry Classification In all contexts
Geopolitical HONG KONG
Official Constraints None


Part 5: Related Materials

Supplementary References

Related Downloads
XML Schema for Financial Report. Department. Code v1.0