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HKSARG Department Code

Code List Information
Code List Name: HKSARG Department Code
Version: 1.14 Last Updated: 02-08-2024
Definition: A list of codes representing government bureaux or departments or government related organisations.
Usage Rules: Application teams are advised to adopt code values from this list to devise application specific department code list as necessary.
Schemas Using this Code List: HKSARG Department. Code

Active Codes
Code Description Code Value Remarks
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department AFCD  
Architectural Services Department ARCHSD  
Audit Commission AUD  
Auxiliary Medical Service AMS  
Beijing Office BO  
Buildings Department BD  
Census & Statistics Department CENSTATD  
Chief Executive's Office CEO  
Chief Executive's Policy Unit CEPU Commenced operation since 28 December 2022
Chief Secretary for Administration's Office CSO Added according to the request raised by the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office on 21-07-2004
Chief Secretary for Administration's Office (Administration Wing) AW Changed code value from ADMWING to AW based on the request raised by the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office on 21-07-2004
Chief Secretary for Administration's Office (Government Records Service, Administration Wing) GRS Added according to the request raised by the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office on 21-07-2004
Chief Secretary for Administration's Office (Hong Kong Guangdong Cooperation Coordination Unit) HKGCCU Changed code value from HKGDCCU to HKGCCU based on the request raised by the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office on 21-07-2004
Chief Secretary for Administration's Private Office CSPO  
Civil Aid Service CAS  
Civil Aviation Department CAD  
Civil Engineering and Development Department CEDD Formed by merging CED with TDD on 01-07-2004
Civil Service Bureau CSB  
Civil Service College CSC Renamed from “CSTDI” according to the establishment of Civil Service College with effect from 09-12-2021
Commerce and Economic Development Bureau CEDB Added according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2007
Companies Registry CR  
Competition Commission COMPCOMM  
Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau CMAB Added according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2007
Correctional Services Department CSD  
Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency CCIDA Added according to the restructure from CREATEHK with effect from 14-06-2024
Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau CSTB Added according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2022
Customs & Excise Department CUSTOMS  
Department of Health DH  
Department of Justice DOJ  
Development Bureau DEVB Added according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2007
Digital Policy Office DPO Added according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 25-07-2024
Drainage Services Department DSD  
Education Bureau EDB Added according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2007
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department EMSD  
Environment and Ecology Bureau EEB Added according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2022
Environmental Protection Department EPD  
Financial Secretary's Office FSO Added according to the request raised by the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office on 23-07-2004
Financial Secretary's Private Office FSPO  
Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau FSTB  
Fire Services Department FSD  
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department FEHD  
Government Flying Service GFS  
Government Laboratory GOVTLAB  
Government Logistics Department GLD  
Government Property Agency GPA  
Health Bureau HHB Added according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2022
Highways Department HYD  
Home Affairs Department HAD  
Home and Youth Affairs Bureau HYAB Added according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2022
Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications HKCAAVQ  
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices HKETO  
Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation HKECIC  
Hong Kong Monetary Authority HKMA  
Hong Kong Observatory HKO  
Hong Kong Police Force HKPF  
Hongkong Post HKPO Renamed from “Post Office” with effect from 02-08-2004. The request was raised by Hongkong Post on 13-07-2004
Hospital Authority HOSPITAL  
Housing Bureau HB Added according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2022
Housing Department HOUSING  
Immigration Department IMMD  
Independent Commission Against Corruption ICAC  
Independent Police Complaints Council IPCC  
Information Services Department ISD  
Inland Revenue Department IRD  
Innovation and Technology Commission ITC  
Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau ITIB Added according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2022
Insurance Authority IA Added according to the take over of the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) with effect from 26-06-2017
Intellectual Property Department IPD  
Invest Hong Kong INVESTHK  
Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service JSSCS  
Judiciary JUD  
Labour and Welfare Bureau LWB Added according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2007
Labour Department LD  
Land Registry LR  
Lands Department LANDSD  
Legal Aid Department LAD  
Legal Aid Services Council LASC  
Legislative Council Secretariat LEGCO  
Leisure & Cultural Services Department LCSD  
Marine Department MD  
Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority MPFANGOA  
Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration OFNAA Added according to the setup of OFNAA, that it may have an identity separate from that of Communications Authority (CA), as a branch in OFCA responsible for non-CA functions on 01-04-2012
Office of the Communications Authority OFCA Formed by merging OFTA and TELA on 01-04-2012
Office of the Ombudsman OMB  
Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data PCO  
Official Languages Division OLA  
Official Receiver's Office ORO  
Planning Department PLAND  
Public Service Commission PSC  
Radio Television Hong Kong RTHK  
Rating and Valuation Department RVD  
Registration and Electoral Office REO  
Secretariat, Commissioner on Interception of Communications and Surveillance SCIOCS  
Secretariat, University Grants Committee UGC  
Secretariat on Civil Service Discipline SCSD  
Securities and Futures Commission SFC  
Security Bureau SB  
Social Welfare Department SWD  
Student Finance Office SFO  
Trade and Industry Department TID  
Transport and Logistics Bureau TLB Added according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2022
Transport Department TD  
Treasury TRY  
Vocational Training Council VTC  
Water Supplies Department WSD  
Working Family Allowance Office WFAO  
Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency WFSFAA  
Reserved Codes
Code Description Code Value Remarks
Central Policy Unit CPU Revamped as the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (PICO) on 01-04-2018
Chief Secretary for Administration's Office (Administration Wing) ADMWING Changed code value from ADMWING to AW based on the request raised by the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office on 21-07-2004
Chief Secretary for Administration's Office (Efficiency Unit) EU Transferred from the Chief Secretary for Administration’s Office (CS’ Office) to the Innovation and Technology Bureau and renamed as the Efficiency Office (EFFO) on 01-04-2018
Chief Secretary for Administration's Office (Hong Kong Guangdong Cooperation Coordination Unit) HKGDCCU Changed code value from HKGDCCU to HKGCCU based on the request raised by the Chief Secretary for Administration's Office on 21-07-2004
Chief Secretary for Administration's Office (Sustainable Development Unit, Administration Wing) SDU Changed according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2007
Civil Engineering Department CED Merged with TDD to form the "Civil Engineering and Development Department" on 01-07-2004
Civil Service Training & Development Institute CSTDI Renamed to “CSC” according to the establishment of Civil Service College with effect from 09-12-2021
Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau CITB Changed according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2007
Constitutional Affairs Bureau CAB Changed according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2007
Create Hong Kong CREATEHK Changed according to the restructure to CCIDA with effect from 14-06-2024
Economic Development and Labour Bureau EDLB Changed according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2007
Education and Manpower Bureau EMB Changed according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2007
Efficiency Office EFFO Merged with OGCIO to form the "Digital Policy Office" on 25-07-2024
Environment Bureau ENB Changed according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2022
Environment, Transport and Works Bureau ETWB Changed according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2007
Financial Secretary's Office (Economic Analysis and Business Facilitation Unit) EABFU Changed according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-04-2018
Food and Health Bureau FHB Changed according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2022
Health, Welfare and Food Bureau HWFB Changed according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2007
Home Affairs Bureau HAB Changed according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2022
Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau HPLB Changed according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2007
Information Technology Services Department ITSD Merged with some organisation units under CITB to form the "Office of the Government Chief Information Officer" on 01-07-2004
Innovation and Technology Bureau ITB Changed according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2022
Office of the Commissioner of Insurance OCI Taken over by the "Insurance Authority" on 26-06-2017
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer OGCIO Merged with EFFO to form the "Digital Policy Office" on 25-07-2024
Office of the Telecommunications Authority OFTA Merged with TELA to form the "Office of the Communications Authority" on 01-04-2012
Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office PICO Ceased operation with effect from 01-07-2022
Post Office PO Renamed to “Hongkong Post” with effect from 02-08-2004. The request was raised by Hongkong Post on 13-07-2004
Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority TELA Merged with OFTA to form the "Office of the Communications Authority" on 01-04-2012
Territory Development Department TDD Merged with CED to form the "Civil Engineering and Development Department" on 01-07-2004
Transport and Housing Bureau THB Changed according to the reorganisation of the Government Secretariat with effect from 01-07-2022