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Green Data Centres Practice Guide

The Green Data Centres Practice Guide (Practice Guide) aims to provide the best practices, with reference to local conditions of Hong Kong, including climate and ecosystems, and international best practices, for describing energy efficient and environmentally friendly practices, to assist data centre industry practitioners in identifying and implementing measures to improve the energy efficiency and environmental performance of their data centres.

The Practice Guide is applicable to all data centres, including existing, newly built and converted data centres. It covers the whole life cycle of the data centre including Design and Construction, Procurement, Management, Operation and Maintenance, as well as Disposal.

The best practices covered in the Practice Guide are categorised into ten major areas, including:

  • General Aspects
  • Cooling System
  • Power System
  • Monitoring and Managing Energy Efficiency
  • IT Equipment Deployment
  • IT Application System and IT Service Deployment
  • Telecommunications and Network Cabling
  • Green Construction
  • Management and Maintenance
  • Green Disposal

The Practice Guide is developed by BEAM Society Limited in collaboration with a broad group of reviewers including professionals and industry practitioners from operators, vendors, consultants, academics, professional and government bodies. It is promulgated for reference and adoption by data centre industry practitioners, as well as government bureaux and departments. BEAM Society Limited has also developed the BEAM Plus Data Centres assessment tool for green data centre assessment / certification. They are available for download at the link at the web page below.

BEAM Society Limited will make reference to the latest industry development on green data centre and related technology advancement with a view to continuously enhancing the Practice Guide.