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Ethical Artificial Intelligence Framework

Artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics technologies present enormous opportunities for digital innovation and creativity to help drive smart city development, but at the same time, such technological advancement will also create various challenges. To realise the benefits and avoid adverse outcomes, the Government is well aware that it is important to pay due regard to AI and data ethics in implementing IT projects and services. With the growing adoption of data-driven technology, the Government is seeking a balanced approach which can safeguard public interest while facilitating innovation.

By drawing reference to the latest development in other countries and regions, the Ethical AI Framework has been developed for internal adoption within the Government regarding the applications of AI and big data analytics. The Framework is developed to assist B/Ds in adopting AI and big data analytics and incorporating ethical elements in the planning, design and implementation of IT projects or services and it consists of ethical principles, practices and assessment of AI. Nonetheless this framework, including guiding principles, practices and assessment template, is also applicable to other organisations in general and this customised version of framework is suitably revised (e.g. removal or adjustment of government specific terms) for general reference by organsiations when adopting AI and big data analytics in their IT projects.


Click here to download PDF file of the Ethical AI Framework (customised version)

Click here to download PDF file of the Ethical AI Framework Quick Reference Guide (customised version)