What's New

Performance Targets

Service Performance Target
Advice on general Information Technology matters For written requests, within 10 working days of receipt of the request.

For complex issues where further work is required, an interim reply stating the likely time and work required will be provided within 10 working days.

Central Computer Centre Helpdesk Service Solution or work-around will be provided within five working days.

Development of an Information Systems Strategy (ISS) A work plan for an ISS study will be provided for agreement with the client within 30 working days after the endorsement of the proposal by the Administrative Computer Project Committee (ACPC).

Central Computer Centre data centre facilities Availability of data centre facilities.

Development of a computer system Within 10 working days of the receipt of an initial request statement, discussion with the client on the proposal will commence.

Within 30 working days after the endorsement of request by ACPC, a work plan with tentative schedules for the feasibility study (FS) will be provided for agreement with the client.

Enhancement to an operational computer system supported by the Digital Policy Office For minor enhancements, a work plan for implementation will be provided within 30 working days.

For major enhancements, the performance targets pledged for the development of a computer system are applicable.

Processing applications in relation to recognition under the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553) (the Ordinance) Please see here.
1823 Please see here.