Witnessing Foundation Proof Load Test via Videotelephony

The Buildings Department (BD) carries out site monitoring for building works in progress, including witnessing site tests at critical stages of the works, to ensure their compliance with approved plans and standards in accordance with the Buildings Ordinance and Regulations. Foundation proof load test for ascertaining the performance of foundation under load is one of such tests registered contractors are required to arrange, and to be witnessed by BD officers, upon completion of the foundation works.
Traditionally, BD officers need to conduct on-site visits to witness each foundation proof load test, one at the beginning and another one at the end of the test. Scheduling the test appointments while fitting the construction works progress is often a challenging task for both parties.
To tackle the above, BD has implemented an alternative arrangement since June 2023 by using videotelephony to support remote witnessing of foundation proof load tests, such that the precedent arrangement of witnessing foundation proof load test through physical site visits by BD staff could be streamlined. Contractors can also benefit from greater flexibility in scheduling test appointments that fit their construction works progress. More importantly, as video records of the full test process are required to be submitted to BD for auditing and documentation purposes, the department can perform their quality monitoring role more effectively.
In view of the benefits brought by the adoption of videotelephony, the department is exploring the possibility of wider adoption of such technology to facilitate the works of BD as well as the industry.

This streamlining measure under the Programme will bring improvements around the following areas:

“Streamlining of Government Services” Programme
Launched in 2019, the “Streamlining of Government Services” (SGS) Programme aims to improve government services involving applications and approvals through streamlining business processes and widening the adoption of technology on a continuous basis with a view to improving their convenience, efficiency and transparency.
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