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Streamline the application for Places of Amusement Licences

Digital Government

The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) has streamlined and standardised the application forms and documentation requirements for Places of Amusement Licences (applicable to Billiard Establishments, Public Bowling-alleys and Public Skating Rinks) in 2020 and 2021, which includes the merging of application forms, providing an e-submission option and a checklist on the supporting documents required, thus reducing applicants’ time and administrative burden for the submissions.

Besides, the LCSD also relaxes the specification requirements of moveable furniture items on layout plans. This reduces the need for applicants to submit alteration applications, hence saving the administrative efforts for the trades and the Government in handling the alteration applications.

Business facilitation measures under the programme would bring benefits in the following areas

Regulatory review

Be the Smart Regulator Programme

Launched in 2007, the “Be the Smart Regulator” Programme aims to improve the efficiency, transparency and business-friendliness of licensing regime, with a view to relieving the compliance costs and administrative burdens of business sectors.

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