HKP e-Licence Mobile Application

The Police Licensing Office (PLO) launched “HKP e-Licence” mobile application for issuing electronic licences and permits, providing applicants with further convenience through e-service. All eight types of licences and permits processed by the PLO will be issued through the application, including Arms Licence, Massage Establishments Licence, Playing Musical Instrument Permit in Public Street or Road, Pawnbrokers Licence, Temporary Liquor Licence, Dragon/ Lion/ Unicorn Dance Permit, Security Personnel Permit and Societies Registration.
Since the launch of the “Licensing e-Service” platform by the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) in 2022, members of the public have been able to make online applications and payments for the abovementioned licences or permits. Licence/ permit holders can now access their approved licences and permits at any time through “HKP e-Licence”, and present the electronic licences/ permits with QR codes to enforcement officers for inspection. In addition, “HKP e-Licence” also features a notification function to remind users to renew their licences or permits.
"HKP e-licence" supports iOS and Android operating systems. For more information, please visit PLO’s website here or click here for the relevant press release.
[Acknowledgement to the HKPF for providing material for the story.]

Business facilitation measures under the programme would bring benefits in the following areas

Be the Smart Regulator Programme
Launched in 2007, the “Be the Smart Regulator” Programme aims to improve the efficiency, transparency and business-friendliness of licensing regime, with a view to relieving the compliance costs and administrative burdens of business sectors.
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