Digital Infrastructure
Digital Infrastructure

Quality Management

The quality of the products and services delivered to users/customers is the concern of every person in the organisation. All personnel should thus be involved creatively in providing high-quality products and services through:

  • Their responsiveness to user/customer needs;
  • The constant measurement and monitoring of all operations;
  • The continuous improvement of procedures, processes, products, and services; and
  • The performance of operations in a responsible manner.

Project teams are advised to observe the following quality requirements: ( Project Planning, Quality Planning, Requirement Review, Development Planning, Design and Implementation, Testing and Validation, Acceptance, Delivery and Installation, Maintenance, Configuration Management, Document and Data Control, Training )

Quality Requirements

Project Planning
1. Plan, monitor and control project in accordance with the adopted project management method
2. Estimate resources using Function Point Analysis (FPA) and other appropriate methods
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Quality Planning
3. Follow the Quality Planning (QP) Procedures and Quality Assurance Review (QAR) Procedures in ensuring that all products/services produced satisfy the stated requirements
4. Maintain accurate and legible quality records
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Requirement Review
5. Clearly define user requirements and produce user requirement specifications
6. Conduct review of requirements
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Development Planning
7. Plan with considerations on the adopted development methodology to be applied
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Design and Implementation
8. Use the adopted methodology and its related tools in transforming user requirements into an application system product
9. Design with consideration on Interoperability Framework
10. Apply and follow work steps, verification processes, standards and procedures; and produce required inputs and outputs according to the adopted project management and system development methodologies
11. Produce implementation documents according to the adopted documentation standards
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Testing and Validation
12. Follow the adopted guidelines on application software testing
13. Perform test planning and control, produce test documentation, apply test tools and techniques and follow checklists for different levels of testing
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14. Organise acceptance test to determine whether the finished system meets the user requirements and is acceptable to the user
15. Assist user to prepare acceptance test plan and specification
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Delivery and Installation
16. Oversee site preparation, hardware and software installation, and operating environment set-up; produce documentation; arrange training and hand over of system to operation
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17. Follow the adopted procedures for system maintenance
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Configuration Management
18. Follow the adopted procedures for software configuration management
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Document and Data Control
19. Produce master lists to properly control all documents and data related to the project and the system
20. Produce documents and data as required under the adopted standards and methods
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21. Train staff and users adequately to perform their task.
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