Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
19th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The nineteen plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held in Hong Kong on 9 October 2024. The meeting reviewed the progress of co-operation in informatisation between the two places in 2023-24. In 2024-25, Hong Kong and Guangdong will be pushing the works revolving around the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” by using new digital technologies of big data, artificial intelligence, 5G, blockchain and industrial internet to continue to strengthen the co-operation in five areas, including accelerating the development of Guangdong-Hong Kong smart city clusters; deepening Hong Kong/Guangdong cross-boundary e-Commerce co-operation; improving the level of information exchange for customs clearance; continuing to deepen coordination of innovative technology development; as well as accelerating the development of Hong Kong/Guangdong telecommunication industry.
Representatives from Digital Policy Officer, Office of the Communications Authority, Innovation and Technology Commission, Customs and Exercise Department and Marine Department attended the meeting.
Group photo of The 19th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
18th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The eighteenth plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held in Hong Kong on 26 September 2023. The meeting reviewed the progress of co-operation in informatisation between the two places in 2022-23. In 2023-24, Hong Kong and Guangdong will proactively strengthen the co-operation in five areas, including the development of Hong Kong/Guangdong smart city clusters; Hong Kong/Guangdong cross-boundary e-Commerce; information exchange for customs clearance; coordination of innovative technology development; as well as the development of Hong Kong/Guangdong telecommunication industry.
Representatives from Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), Office of the Communications Authority, Innovation and Technology Commission, Customs and Exercise Department and Marine Department attended the meeting.
Group photo of The 18th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
17th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The seventeenth plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held through video conference on 17 November 2022. The meeting reviewed the progress of co-operation in informatisation between the two places in 2021-22. In 2022-23, Hong Kong and Guangdong will proactively strengthen the co-operation in five areas, including the development of Hong Kong/Guangdong smart city clusters; Hong Kong/Guangdong cross-boundary e-Commerce; smart customs clearance; Hong Kong/Guangdong exchange among the industry, academia and research sectors; as well as the development of Hong Kong/Guangdong telecommunication industry.
Representatives from Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), Office of the Communications Authority, Innovation and Technology Commission and Marine Department attended the meeting.
The 17th EGCI Plenary Meeting
16th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The sixteenth plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held through video conference on 14 September 2021. The meeting reviewed the progress of co-operation in informatisation between the two places in 2020. In 2021-22, Hong Kong and Guangdong will proactively strengthen the co-operation in five areas, including the development of smart city clusters in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; Hong Kong/Guangdong cross-boundary e-Commerce; smart customs clearance; Hong Kong/Guangdong exchange among the industry, academia and research sectors; as well as the development of Hong Kong/Guangdong telecommunication industry.
Representatives from Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), Office of the Communications Authority, Innovation and Technology Commission, Customs and Excise Department, Marine Department, Transport Department, Development Bureau and Tourism Commission attended the meeting.
The 16th EGCI Plenary Meeting
15th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The fifteenth plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held through video conference on 7 August 2020. The meeting reviewed the progress of co-operation in informatisation between the two places in 2019. In 2020-21, Hong Kong and Guangdong will proactively strengthen the co-operation in five areas, including the development of smart city clusters in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; Hong Kong/Guangdong cross-boundary e-Commerce; smart customs clearance; Hong Kong/Guangdong exchange among the industry, academia and research sectors; as well as the development of Hong Kong/Guangdong telecommunication industry.
Representatives from Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), Office of the Communications Authority, Innovation and Technology Commission, Customs and Excise Department and Marine Department attended the meeting.
The 15th EGCI Plenary Meeting
14th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The fourteenth plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held in Hong Kong on 12 July 2019. The meeting reviewed the progress of co-operation in informatisation between the two places in 2018. In 2019-20, Hong Kong and Guangdong will co-operate proactively in five areas, including strengthening the development of smart city at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong/Guangdong cross-boundary e-Commerce, smart customs clearance, Hong Kong/Guangdong co-operation and exchange among the industry, academia and research sectors, as well as construction of Hong Kong/Guangdong information infrastructure.
Representatives from Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), Office of the Communications Authority, Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Innovation and Technology Commission, Customs and Excise Department and Marine Department attended the meeting.
The 14th EGCI Plenary Meeting
Group Photo at the 14th EGCI Plenary Meeting
13th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The thirteenth plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held in Guangzhou on 27 June 2018. The meeting reviewed the progress of co-operation in informatisation between the two places in 2017. In 2018-19, Hong Kong and Guangdong will co-operate proactively in five areas, including strengthening the development of smart city clusters at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area, expanding cross-boundary e-Commerce, promoting smart customs clearance, strengthening collaboration in information technology and technology innovation and the industry and strengthening construction of information infrastructure.
Representatives from Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), Office of the Communications Authority, Customs and Excise Department and Marine Department attended the meeting.
The 13th Plenary Meeting
The 13th Plenary Meeting
12th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The twelfth plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held in Hong Kong on 5 July 2017. The meeting reviewed the progress of co-operation in informatisation between the two places in 2016. In 2017-18, Hong Kong and Guangdong will co-operate proactively in six areas, including facilitating the development of smart city clusters at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area, expanding cross-boundary e-Commerce, enhancing “Internet+ Regulation”, promoting smart customs clearance, building up good information innovation and entrepreneurship environment and strengthening construction of information infrastructure.
Representatives from Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), Office of the Communications Authority, Customs and Excise Department and Marine Department attended the meeting.
The 12th Plenary Meeting
11th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The eleventh plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held in Guangzhou on 5 August 2016. The meeting reviewed the progress of co-operation in informatisation between the two places in 2015. In 2016-17, Hong Kong and Guangdong will capitalise on the new opportunities arising from “Internet+” development, and carry out enhanced co-operation in areas such as establishment of smart customs clearance, cross-boundary e-Commerce and building of information infrastructure, etc. by focusing on deepening collaboration in new technologies, new products and new models of the Internet.
Representatives from Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), Office of the Communications Authority and Customs and Excise Department attended the meeting.
The 11th Plenary Meeting
The 11th Plenary Meeting
10th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The tenth plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held in Hong Kong on 30 July 2015. The meeting reviewed the progress of co-operation in informatisation between the two places in 2014 and endorsed the major work plan for the coming year in 3 areas, namely "Deepening co-operation in building of Intelligent City Clusters in the Greater Pearl River Delta", "Strengthening co-operation in adoption of Internet of Things to facilitate customs clearance between Guangdong and Hong Kong" and "Enhancing industry exchanges and co-operation in information technology services between Guangdong and Hong Kong".
Representatives from Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), Office of the Communications Authority, Innovation and Technology Commission, Customs and Excise Department and Marine Department attended the meeting.
The 10th Plenary Meeting
The "2015 Hong Kong/Guangdong Exchange Forum on Smart City and Cross-boundary e-Commerce" was also held on the same day. The Government Chief Information Officer, Ir. Allen Yeung, and the Director of the Economic and Information Commission of Guangdong Province, Zou Sheng, delivered speeches while five guest speakers from Hong Kong and Guangdong gave excellent presentations at the Forum. About 200 participants from the industry in both places attended the Forum.
2015 Hong Kong/Guangdong Exchange Forum on Smart City and Cross-boundary e-Commerce
9th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The ninth plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held in Guangzhou on 11 July 2014. The meeting reviewed the progress of co-operation in informatisation between the two places in 2013 and endorsed the major work plan for the coming year in 3 areas, namely "Promoting co-operation in building of Intelligent City Clusters in the Greater Pearl River Delta", "Promoting co-operation in adoption of Internet of Things to facilitate customs clearance between Guangdong and Hong Kong" and "Promoting industry co-operation in information technology services between Guangdong and Hong Kong ".
Representatives from Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), Office of the Communications Authority, Food and Health Bureau and Customs and Excise Department attended the meeting.
The 9th Plenary Meeting
Signing of "The Agreement on Information Framework Co-operation" after the 16th Plenary of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference
To further strengthen the Co-operation in Informatisation between Hong Kong and Guangdong, the Commerce & Economic Development Bureau and the Economic & Information Commission of Guangdong Province had signed "The Agreement on Information Framework Co-operation" after the Sixteenth Plenary of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference held on 16 September 2013 under the witness of the government leaders in both places.
Signing of "The Agreement on Information Framework Co-operation"
8th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The eighth plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held in Hong Kong on 26 July 2013. The meeting reviewed the progress of co-operation in informatisation between the two places in 2012 and endorsed the major work plan for the coming year in 3 areas, namely "Building of Intelligent City Clusters in the Greater Pearl River Delta", "Adoption of Internet of Things to facilitate customs clearance between Guangdong and Hong Kong" and "Building of Guangdong/Hong Kong information services industrial park in Nansha".
Representatives from Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), Innovation and Technology Commission, Office of the Communications Authority, Food and Health Bureau and Customs and Excise Department attended the meeting.
The 8th Plenary Meeting
7th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The seventh plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held in Guangzhou on 10 August 2012. The meeting reviewed major progress in 2011 and endorsed the work plan for the coming year in the 4 main areas of "Create an internationalised business environment", "Support modern service industries", "Improve cross-boundary infrastructure facilities", and "Build a quality living area".
Representatives from Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), Innovation and Technology Commission and Customs, and Excise Department attended the meeting.
The 7th Plenary Meeting
6th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The sixth plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held in Hong Kong on 20 July 2011. The meeting reviewed major progress in 2010 and endorsed the work plan for the coming year in the 4 main areas of "Improve cross-boundary infrastructure facilities", "Support modern service industries", "Create an internationalised business environment" and "Build a quality living area".
Representatives from Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), Innovation and Technology Commission, Office of the Telecommunications Authority, Food and Health Bureau, Customs and Excise Department, Marine Department and Hong Kong Monetary Authority attended the meeting.
The 6th Plenary Meeting
The 6th Plenary Meeting
5th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The fifth plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held in Guangzhou on 9 July 2010. The meeting reviewed major progress in 2009 and endorsed the work plan for 2010. In the 3 areas of "Improve business environment", "Support modern service industries" and "Improve cross-boundary infrastructure facilities" of the "Framework Agreement on Guangdong/Hong Kong Co-operation", the 2010 work plan laid down 5 focus points, which are "to promote pilot run of applications for mutual recognition of electronic signature certificates", "to support development of e-business service platforms", "to strengthen exchange and co-operation in standards adopted by industries", "to encourage logistics participants to adopt the converged RFID standards" and "to promote the co-operation and resources sharing of information technology infrastructure facilities".
Representatives from Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), Innovation and Technology Commission, Office of the Telecommunications Authority and Customs and Excise Department attended the meeting.
The 5th Plenary Meeting
The 5th Plenary Meeting
4th Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The fourth plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held at Cyberport, Hong Kong on 10 July 2009. The group endorsed the work plan and the collaboration focus for the coming year in order to enhance co-operation in informatisation. Both sides will continue the collaboration to further the work in such areas as the interoperability of information infrastructural facilities in the two places, RFID technology research and application, information portal construction, service outsourcing, digital entertainment, open source software, mobile and wireless technology applications.
In addition to the Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), representatives from Create Hong Kong, Invest Hong Kong, Food and Health Bureau, Innovation and Technology Commission, Office of the Telecommunications Authority and Hong Kong Trade Development Council also attended the meeting.
The Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Jeremy Godfrey, and the Director-General of the Department of Information Industry of Guangdong Province, Mr Wen Guo-hui, attended the opening ceremony of the "Hong Kong/Guangdong Modern Information Services Industry Co-operation and Development Forum" after the meeting.
The forum is one of the key co-operation items of the expert group. The theme this year is cross border e-commerce. A total of 140 participants from government departments and academic, industrial and research sectors of the two places joined it to discuss how to promote the development of modern information service industry and secure e-commerce.
The 4th Plenary Meeting
Opening Ceremony of the "Hong Kong/Guangdong Modern Information Services Industry Co-operation and Development Forum"
3rd Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation held its third meeting in Guangzhou on 4 July 2008 and agreed to set co-operation on the modern information service industry as the focus of the coming year to promote the development of the related industries in both places.
In addition to the Digital Policy Office (the then Office of the Government Chief Information Officer), representatives from the Innovation and Technology Commission and Customs and Excise Department also attended the meeting.
The 3rd Plenary Meeting
Signing of the "Arrangement on Strengthening Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation in Informatisation" after the 10th Plenary of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference
To strengthen Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation in Informatisation, Digital Policy Office (the then OGCIO) and the Department of Information Industry of Guangdong Province had signed the "Arrangement on Strengthening Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation in Informatisation" after the Tenth Plenary of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference held on 2 August 2007 under the witness of the government leaders in both places.
Signing of "Arrangement on Strengthening Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation in Informatisation"
2nd Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The second meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held at Cyberport, Hong Kong on 22 June 2007 to further promote co-operation in informatisation between the two places. Both sides reviewed the major progress on co-operation in informatisation in 2006 and discussed the future work plans to strengthen co-operation at the meeting.
The Permanent Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology (Communications and Technology), Mr Francis Ho, the Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Howard Dickson, the Deputy Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Stephen Mak, the Vice-Director of the Guangdong Information Industry Department, Mr Zou Sheng, and the Deputy Director-General of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, Guangdong Provincial People's Government, Mr Liao Jingshan witnessed the signing of three co-operation agreements between the industry of the two places.
The three agreements are: co-operation on software outsourcing between Hong Kong Software Outsourcing Alliance and Guangdong Software Outsourcing Council; co-operation on open source software between Guangdong Linux Centre and Hong Kong Linux Industry Association; and co-operation on digital home and digital entertainment between the Guangdong Public Support Centre of Digital Home Service and Technology and Hong Kong Productivity Council.
A certificate presentation ceremony was also held at the meeting to recognise the successful inclusion of Linux solutions from 15 Hong Kong companies in the Guangdong Linux Software and Hardware Recommended Procurement List.
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The 2nd Plenary Meeting | Signing of Co-operation Agreement on Software Outsourcing |
1st Plenary Meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation
The first plenary meeting of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Informatisation was held in Guangzhou on 17 May 2006 to strengthen co-operation in informatisation between the two places. Both sides discussed and exchanged views and work plans, and agreed to enhance co-operation in the nine majors areas of informatisation.
During the meeting, the participants also witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Co-operation Agreement in Informatisation between the Hong Kong Wireless Development Centre and Guangdong China Mobile. Under the MOU, both parties will actively facilitate business matching and co-operation opportunities for corporations in the two places. The MOU will also help provide marketing, technical and business support for co-operation projects that will enhance informatisation in mobile technology.
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The 1st Plenary Meeting | Signing of Co-operation Agreement in Informatisation |