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Public Comments on the "Consultation Paper on the Review on Administration and Assignment of Internet Domain Names and Internet Protocol Addresses in Hong Kong"


Dear Sirs

Consultation Paper on the Review on Administration
and Assignment of Internet Domain Names and Internet
Protocol Addresses in Hong Kong, June 2000


We have read the above-mentioned Consultation Paper with great interest, particularly Paragraphs 48 and 49 pertaining to "Dispute Resolution for .hk Domain Names".

We believe that the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre ("HKIAC") is ideally suited to undertake the design and administration of dispute resolution mechanism for disputes which may arise in connection with .hk domain names. The HKIAC, an independent non-profit organisation, was established 15 years ago with the objective of promoting the use of arbitration, and other alternative dispute resolution methods, both domestically in Hong Kong and internationally. We are the focal point for dispute resolution in Hong Kong and we are involved in all facets of the field. We have helped develop and administer various programs and schemes in connection with dispute resolution in Hong Kong. For example, we now administer the appointment of arbitrators in cases where parties to a potential arbitration have failed to agree or have failed to designate an appointing authority or in certain circumstances if the designated appointing authority fails to perform its obligations. This is a function which was previously carried out buy the Courts. Among other things, we also provide the support for the Securities and Futures Commission Appeals Panel.

The area of the resolution of domain name disputes is of particular interest to us. Earlier this year we took the initiative to establish an e-commerce Dispute Resolution Group and among other things this Group is looking into the subject of on-line arbitration and dispute resolution. Out of this arose a decision we made to apply to ICANN to become the first domain resolution dispute service provider in Asia. Our submission in this regard was submitted on 13 June 2000. Furthermore, in this connection, Mr Christopher To, our Secretary-General, will be attending the ICANN Board meeting in Yokohama, Japan to be held between 12 to 17 July 2000. We are also planning special training courses for issues involved in domain name disputes for those who may wish to be appointed to the Panel of Arbitrators which we intend to establish should our ICANN application be approved.

All of this would stand us in very good stead should we be appointed as the administrator or provider of the dispute resolution scheme in respect of the .hk domain and we sincerely express our interest in seeking such appointment.

We are enclosing herewith information in regard to our organisation. If any further information is required please see our website at www.hkiac.org or contact our Secretary-General, Mr Christopher To.

Yours faithfully
For and on behalf of
Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre

Edward Rubin
Council Member
