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Public Comments on the "Consultation Paper on the Review on Administration and Assignment of Internet Domain Names and Internet Protocol Addresses in Hong Kong"


Comments on the Consultation Paper on the Review on Administration & Assignment of Internet Domain Names and Internet Protocol Addresses in Hong Kong

CWHKTCSL support the recommendation put forward by the Taskforce in the report. However, there are some views, which we like to comment on. These comments are set as follow:

Allocation of IP addresses

In order to unify the IP addresses allocation process, the HKNIC or the future organization should represent Hong Kong to co-ordinate with ANIC for public IP addresses allocation for Hong Kong. This can unify the process and HKNIC or the future organization can then have all the IP addresses for firms applied through them, which may ease the application process.

Application for Domain Names

We agree to the 'first come first served' process for application. However, an application bulletin board is suggested to be posted in order for applicants to check if there is any duplication of application. The application time should be posted to avoid dispute of 'first come first served' application. A grace period is also suggested (e.g. One week post on the bulletin board for any objection) to be placed for any objection from any person or organization.

On-line Checking of Domain Names

In order to avoid duplication and ease of application for Domain Names, an on-line checking facility for currently in used Domain Names and Domain Names under application is needed. This will form an integral part of the record for HKNIC or the future organization.

Chinese Domain Names

As Hong Kong and Taiwan is using traditional characters but other locations including the Peoples' Republic of China and Singapore is using simplify characters, each Chinese Domain Names should include both simplify and traditional characters sets which may represent 2 domains.